Following Jesus

Church is more than a building - we are a community of all shapes and sizes journeying together to deepen our faith in the Lord Jesus, to worship Him and to seek the refreshing and enabling power of the Holy Spirit as we walk as his disciples in our daily lives.

We gather together every Sunday morning at 10am for praise and worship, to open his word in scripture and to break bread and share wine together in Holy Communion.

Our Sunday morning service is an exciting time of praise and worship led by our band. With a mixture of ages and traditions, we currently worship all together, with the involvement of children in each service.

The welcome area is available should your child become restless during the service, where a speaker relay will allow you to keep in touch with the service.

We welcome all to join us. Even if you haven’t been for years or you’ve never come at all, there’s a place for you. You will always be welcome. Join us for tea, coffee & refreshments in the centre after service.

Perhaps you’re grieving or struggling with life? Or perhaps you have something that you want to give thanks for? If you’d like to meet someone to talk to then please do get in touch.